If you just downloaded the package and are willing to compile it, I recommend that you check one of the example projects in examples directory. If you compile the plain engine, it does not do anything at all, it needs some fuel to drive. Examples are included in the distribution package. For succesful compilation, you need: * POSIX system, elf executable format is recommended, * Clang or GCC. GCC minimum major version of 4 is recommended, 3 may work too, * GNU make (gmake) or compatible is a must, and * perl 5 for compiling Ano script, menu resources and widget resources. Basic set of essential libs needed: * pthread(s) library, * libiconv and most likely the * zlib or libz, which way you like it. Dependencies needed for windowing system to work: * freetype2, truetype font rendering engine, * libGL, OpenGL library, you may also need to install libglvnd, the vendor neutral dispatch library, * libX11, the X11 library, and * libXext, X11 extension library. Before compilation, fetch the data files by using build/pkget.sh script. Script fetches the data package which includes widgets and other data files and unpacks it automatically: $ ./build/pkget.sh Compilation goes as usual on unix systems: $ ./configure $ make Please see apps/README to compile supplied application, or examples/README to get started with one of the examples.