Mandelbrot set
Mandelbrot draws a mandelbrot set in little window. Mandelbrot demonstrates how to spawn a thread for drawing and do some RPN expressions to plot the pixels to window. Written in plain Ano script, no C involved.
Easiest way to get Mandelbrot running is to go to examples directory in package root, and run:
$ ./ gui_mandelbrot script compiles Ano script to C, copies source files in place and pops up instructions what to do next. Follow them. Check also examples/README for more info.
; ; @ANO_SCRIPT_NAME gui_mandelbrot ; @ANO_SCRIPT_VERSION 0.0.6 ; @ANO_SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION Example how to plot some pixels to window ; ; @ANO_FLAGS_VAR_NAME_SUBS [x] ; @ANO_FLAGS_VAR_WARN_UNUSED [ ] ; ; Copyright (c) 2016-2024, Jani Salonen <> ; All rights reserved. ; main { ; Global uninitialized variables ; var [handle] hnd_win ; Global pre-initialized variables ; mov win_w ([uint] 640) mov win_h ([uint] 400) ; Initialize windowing system... ; gui_enabled { window_init ; ...and open main window ; window_open (\ title_name: "Mandelbrot", \ title_charset: NULL, \ parent_handle: NOPARENT, \ widget_stack_id: NOWIDGET, \ widget_set: NOWIDGET, \ window_refresh_divider: ACTIVE_REFRESH, \ position_x: POS_CENTERED, \ position_y: POS_CENTERED, \ size_width: win_w, \ size_height: win_h, \ cb_main_loop: NULL, \ cb_expose: NULL, \ cb_key_press: NULL, \ cb_key_release: NULL, \ cb_button_press: NULL, \ cb_button_release: NULL, \ cb_client_message: NULL, \ cb_save_yourself: NULL, \ cb_configure_notify: NULL, \ cb_destroy_notify: "cb_destroy", \ cb_motion_notify: NULL, \ cb_map_notify: NULL, \ cb_unmap_notify: NULL, \ cb_open_notify: "cb_open") } } _WINCB_OPEN_ callback cb_open (_hnd) { mov hnd_win (_hnd) ; Map main window ; ; Create drawing thread ; @mandelbrot_thread ("Mandelbrot") } _WINCB_DESTROY_ callback cb_destroy (_hnd) { _hnd.destroy() exit } thread mandelbrot_thread { &mandelbrot_draw (1.0, [uint] 120, [int] 0, [int] 0) } function mandelbrot_draw (_zoom, _maxiterations, _posx, _posy) { var [color] _c loop (mov _y (0); _y < win_h; inc _y) { loop (mov _x (0); _x < win_w; inc _x) { mov _pr (1.5 * (_x - win_w / 2.0) / (0.5 * _zoom * win_w) + _posx) mov _pi ((_y - win_h / 2.0) / (0.5 * _zoom * win_h) + _posy) mov _ne (0) mov _nf (0) mov _i ([int] 0) mandelbrot_loop_c: mov _oe (_ne) mov _of (_nf) mov _ne (_oe * _oe - _of * _of + _pr) mov _nf (2.0 * _oe * _of + _pi) mov _t (_ne * _ne + _nf * _nf) if _t >= 4 : mandelbrot_loop_d inc _i if _i < _maxiterations : mandelbrot_loop_c mandelbrot_loop_d: ; Plot the pixel adjusting colors a bit ; mov _c (# 0) add (_i) add (_i * 2.0) hnd_win.pixel(\ position_x: _x, \ position_y: _y, \ color: _c) } } }
Copyright © 2024, Jani Salonen <salojan at goto10 piste co>. Piste is finnish word and means dot. All rights reserved.