Database store
⭐ New in 0.2.9.
Database store offers simple API for saving and loading key/value pairs from permanent storage. Database can be either globally available to all Detroit applications which is located in system database directory (usually /var/db/), or it can be local one located in user home directory. Database supports AES encryption.
Database system uses Berkeley DB as its backend, and when engine is compiled, it looks dbd include files from directory named db, like /usr/include/db or /usr/local/include/db. On some systems (like in my FreeBSD), that directory is named db18 (at the time of writing). In order to include database support to Detroit engine, you would need to make symlink named db pointing to db18 directory, for example like below, or use some other mechanism to provide that directory to build system:
# cd /usr/local/include # ln -s db18 db
You may want to remove that symlink when it is no longer needed, so it does not mess with package management tools.
Each database store function explained.
Create new database or open existing one.
Returns database handle on success, zero on failure.
handle store_open([int] scope, [int] db_type, [int] file_mode, [string] password)
- scope tells database location, which can be one of:
- STORE_SCOPE_LOCAL is located in user home directory, and
- STORE_SCOPE_GLOBAL is located in system database directory, whichever it may be. Directory is looked from /usr/include/paths.h in _PATH_VARDB constant, and if not found, /var/db/ is used.
- db_type tells database type, which can be one of:
- STORE_TYPE_BTREE makes btree database, and
- STORE_TYPE_HASH makes hashed database.
- file_mode creates datbase file with file_mode which modified by the process umask value, zero is good default.
- password makes AES encrypted database if password is given. This same password is needed when encrypted database is opened again.
Close and sync database. Store functions are not useable after this functions returns.
void store_close([handle] store_handle)
- store_handle is the handle returned by store_open().
Remove existing database. Database must not be open when removing it. Call store_close() before calling this if database is open.
Returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
int store_remove([int] scope, [string] password)
- scope tells database location, which can be one of:
- STORE_SCOPE_LOCAL is located in user home directory, and
- STORE_SCOPE_GLOBAL is located in system database directory, whichever it may be. Directory is looked from /usr/include/paths.h in _PATH_VARDB constant, and if not found, /var/db/ is used.
- password is the password that were given when database was created, if any.
Truncate database.
Returns zero on failure (no deleted records), or non-zero value telling how many records was deleted.
u32 store_truncate([handle] store_handle)
- store_handle is the handle returned by store_open().
Sync database to permanent storage.
Returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
int store_sync([handle] store_handle)
- store_handle is the handle returned by store_open().
Get data by key from database.
Returns zero on success, -1 on failure, or other non-zero value if key was not found in database.
int store_get([handle] store_handle, [string] key, [pointer] data, [usize] data_size)
- store_handle is the handle returned by store_open().
- key is the name of data key to get.
- data is the pointer to data buffer, this can be tied pointer/variable pair, see pointer for more info.
- data_size is the size of the data buffer in bytes, if zero, buffer large enough is allocated and must be freed by store_get_free().
Free buffer returned by store_get().
void store_get_free([pointer] data)
- data is the pointer returned by store_get().
Put data to database.
Returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
int store_put([handle] store_handle, [string] key, [string] data, [usize] data_size)
- store_handle is the handle returned by store_open().
- key is the name of the key to create for data.
- data is the pointer to data buffer, this can be tied pointer/variable pair, see pointer for more info.
- data_size is the size of the data buffer in bytes.
Delete key/value pair from database.
Returns zero on success, -1 on failure, or other non-zero value if key was not found from database.
int store_del([handle] store_handle, [string] key)
- store_handle is the handle returned by store_open().
- key is the name of the key to delete.
Check if key exists in database.
Returns zero on success (the key exists), -1 on failure, or other non-zero value if key was not found from database.
int store_exists([handle] store_handle, [string] key)
- store_handle is the handle returned by store_open().
- key is the name of the key to check.
Copyright © 2025, Jani Salonen <salojan at goto10 piste co>. Piste is finnish word and means dot. All rights reserved.