
Vesmir is an artificial universe simulation. It generates a galaxy and about thousand stars in it. Some stars have planets to form solar systems, where some planets has moons as their companions. All the stars and planet images are modeled in realtime based on their chemical composition, so the outlook of those objects are quite close how they would look in reality.

Vesmir demonstrates drawing operations, menues, some of the widgets how they interact with window, and how to bind own C functions to Ano script. Vesmir is not by any means a real space simulator, it is just an example, it should not be taken too serious.

User interface

Move the mouse over the galaxy and press <enter> on some star. View changes to that star, and if star has planets you can see some squares rounding around a cross. Squares indicates planets and cross is the star at the center of the solarsystem. Move mouse over one of the planets, press <enter> again and view changes to planet view. Backspace key navigates back to previous view. Galaxy and solar systems can be zoomed with mouse wheel (or buttons 4 and 5 to be exact), and they can be moved around by pressing mouse button 1 (that's usually the left mouse button) while moving the mouse.

In galaxy there is black holes (hard to find, but one sits exactly at the center of the galaxy), neutron stars, ordinary stars like the Sun, terrestrial planets with atmosphere like Mars, and gas giants like Saturn. Try to find another Earth! Stars also simulates nuclear fusion, so after considerably amount of time you may see a message saying some star has collapsed to neutron star or black hole. Roll the Time warp to southeast and wait.

Star and planet details can be viewed by pressing Print object button. Details are printed to standard output. Star and planet images can be saved to disk by pressing Save object button. Render object button opens star or planet image in separate window.

View reset button resets the view to its default position and sets zooming to zero. Time reset button resets the time warp setting, making clock to run at normal speed.


Easiest way to get Vesmir running is to go to examples directory in package root, and run:

$ ./ gui_vesmir script compiles Ano script, widget definitions and menu tables to C, copies source files in place and pops up instructions what to do next. Follow them. Check also examples/README for more info.


; @ANO_SCRIPT_NAME		gui_vesmir
; @ANO_SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION	Artificial universe simulation
; List of files to unveil if unveil() support is in use:
; @ANO_UNVEIL_FILES		"examples/datafiles/vesmir_appicon.tga = r", \
;				"share/detroit/fonts/NotoSans-Italic.ttf = r", \
;				"share/detroit/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf = r", \
;				"/tmp = rw"
; Copyright (c) 2016-2025, Jani Salonen <>
; All rights reserved.

main {
	; Global uninitialized variables
	var	[handle] hnd_win_main
	var	[handle] hnd_win_view
	var	[handle] hnd_win_preview
	var	[handle] hnd_fnt_title
	var	[handle] hnd_fnt_view
	var	[handle] hnd_fnt_selected
	var	[handle] hnd_fnt_selection

	; Global variables
	mov	img_dir ("/tmp")

	mov	hlp_txt ("LMB + mouse to move view, wheel to zoom, enter to select, backspace to previous view")
	mov	hlp_clr (# 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00)

	mov	fnt ("share/detroit/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf")
	mov	fnt_clr (# 0xff, 0xd7, 0x69, 0x00)

	mov	fnt_sz_big ([uint] 14)
	mov	fnt_sz_med ([uint] 10)
	mov	fnt_sz_sml ([uint] 8)

	mov	view (0)

	mov	xpos (0)
	mov	ypos (0)
	mov	xpre (0)
	mov	ypre (0)

	mov	zoom_min (0)
	mov	zoom_max (100)
	mov	zoom_slc (10)
	mov	zoom (zoom_min)

	mov	galaxy ([ulong] 0)
	mov	star ([ulong] 0)
	mov	planet ([ulong] 0)
	mov	moon ([ulong] 0)

	mov	mess ([uint] 1)

	gui_enabled {
		; Initialize windowing system...

		; ...and open main window
		window_open (\
			title_name:		"Vesmir", \
			title_charset:		NULL, \
			parent_handle:		NOPARENT, \
			widget_stack_id:	1, \
			widget_set:		0, \
			window_refresh_divider:	PASSIVE_REFRESH, \
			position_x:		POS_CENTERED, \
			position_y:		POS_CENTERED, \
			size_width:		800, \
			size_height:		600, \
			cb_main_loop:		NULL, \
			cb_expose:		NULL, \
			cb_key_press:		NULL, \
			cb_key_release:		NULL, \
			cb_button_press:	NULL, \
			cb_button_release:	NULL, \
			cb_client_message:	NULL, \
			cb_save_yourself:	NULL, \
			cb_configure_notify:	NULL, \
			cb_destroy_notify:	"cb_destroy_main", \
			cb_motion_notify:	NULL, \
			cb_map_notify:		NULL, \
			cb_unmap_notify:	NULL, \
			cb_open_notify:		"cb_open_main")

; Main window callbacks

_WINCB_OPEN_ callback cb_open_main (_hnd) {
	mov	hnd_win_main (_hnd)

	; Create timewarp widget scale
	widget_update_scale_bars (_hnd, \
		"time_warp", NULL, NULL, 7, 0, 0, 100, 11, \

	; Set window icon

	; Open drawing window
	window_open (NULL, NULL, \
		_hnd, \
		[uint] 0, [uint] 0, \
		[int] 20, [int] 180, [uint] 760, [uint] 400, \
		"cb_mainloop_draw", \
		NULL, \
		"cb_keypress_draw", \
		"cb_keyrelease_draw", \
		"cb_buttonpress_draw", \
		"cb_buttonrelease_draw", \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		"cb_motion_draw", \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \

	; Open fonts
	font_open (fnt, fnt_sz_big, [uint] 0)

	cmp	rc (INVALID)
	je	"cb_open_main_end"

	mov	hnd_fnt_title (rc)

	font_open (fnt, fnt_sz_big, [uint] 0)

	cmp	rc (INVALID)
	je	"cb_open_main_end"

	mov	hnd_fnt_view (rc)

	font_open (fnt, fnt_sz_med, [uint] 0)

	cmp	rc (INVALID)
	je	"cb_open_main_end"

	mov	hnd_fnt_selected (rc)

	font_open (fnt, fnt_sz_med, [uint] 0)

	cmp	rc (INVALID)
	je	"cb_open_main_end"

	mov	hnd_fnt_selection (rc)

	font_open (fnt, fnt_sz_sml, [uint] 0)

	cmp	rc (INVALID)
	je	"cb_open_main_end"

	mov	hnd_fnt_date (rc)

	; Pre-render some static strings to be displayed later
	font_render (hnd_fnt_selected, \
		"UTF-8", "Selected:", [uint] 0, fnt_clr)

	font_render (hnd_fnt_view, \
		"UTF-8", "View:", [uint] 0, fnt_clr)

	; Map main window


_WINCB_DESTROY_ callback cb_destroy_main (_hnd) {



; Drawing window callbacks

_WINCB_MAINLOOP_ callback cb_mainloop_draw (_hnd) {
	draw_wipe (hnd_win_view)

	cmp	view (0)
	je	"cb_mainloop_draw_galaxy"
	cmp	view (1)
	je	"cb_mainloop_draw_star"
	cmp	view (2)
	je	"cb_mainloop_draw_planet"


	; Main loop for galaxy view
	mov	galaxy_x (xpos)
	mov	galaxy_y (ypos)
	mov	galaxy_z (zoom)

	galaxy_live (hnd_win_view, galaxy, \
		galaxy_x, galaxy_y, galaxy_z)

	galaxy_get_name (galaxy)

	mov	_name (rc)

	call	"cb_mainloop_draw_texts" (_name)
	jmp	"cb_mainloop_draw_done"

	; Main loop for star view
	mov	star_x (xpos)
	mov	star_y (ypos)
	mov	star_z (zoom)

	star_live (hnd_win_view, galaxy, star, \
		star_x, star_y, star_z)

	star_get_name (galaxy, star)

	mov	_name (rc)

	call	"cb_mainloop_draw_texts" (_name)
	jmp	"cb_mainloop_draw_done"

	; Main loop for planet view
	mov	planet_x (xpos)
	mov	planet_y (ypos)
	mov	planet_z (zoom)

	planet_live (hnd_win_view, galaxy, star, planet, \
		planet_x, planet_y, planet_z)

	planet_get_name (galaxy, star, planet)

	mov	_name (rc)

	call	"cb_mainloop_draw_texts" (_name)
;	jmp	"cb_mainloop_draw_done"

	; Zoom view slowly back to its base position
	cmp	zoom (zoom_min)
	jbe	"cb_mainloop_draw_end"

	sub	zoom (0.0005)


function cb_mainloop_draw_texts (_object) {

	cmp	mess (rc)
	je	"cb_mainloop_draw_texts_ok"

	mov	mess (rc)


	mov	_mess (rc)

	widget_update_label (hnd_win_main, "help", \
		_mess, NULL, fnt, 0, 0, 0, hlp_clr)

	widget_refresh (hnd_win_main)


	mov	_date (rc)

	font_render (hnd_fnt_date, \
		"UTF-8", _date, [uint] 0, fnt_clr)

	font_render (hnd_fnt_title, \
		"UTF-8", _object, [uint] 0, fnt_clr)

	font_get_width (hnd_fnt_date)

	mov	_w (rc)

	font_get_height (hnd_fnt_date)

	mov	_h (rc)

	draw_text (hnd_win_view, \
		hnd_fnt_title, [int] 80, [int] 80)

	draw_text (hnd_win_view, \
		hnd_fnt_view, [int] 20, [int] 80)

	draw_text (hnd_win_view, \
		hnd_fnt_selected, [int] 20, [int] 120)

	draw_text (hnd_win_view, \
		hnd_fnt_selection, [int] 80, [int] 120)

	draw_text (hnd_win_view, \
		hnd_fnt_date, [int] 760 - _w, [int] 400 - _h)

_WINCB_KEY_ callback cb_keypress_draw (_hnd, x, y, _x_root, _y_root, _state, _keycode, _key) {
	cmp	_keycode (6)
	je	"cb_keypress_draw_enter"
	cmp	_keycode (2)
	je	"cb_keypress_draw_backspace"


	cmp	view (0)
	je	"cb_keypress_draw_enter_galaxy"
	cmp	view (1)
	je	"cb_keypress_draw_enter_star"


	; Switch from galaxy to star view
	call	"cb_keypress_draw_enter_switch" (1)


	; Switch from star to planet view
	call	"cb_keypress_draw_enter_switch" (2)


	cmp	view (1)
	je	"cb_keypress_draw_backspace_star"
	cmp	view (2)
	je	"cb_keypress_draw_backspace_planet"


	; Switch from star to galaxy view
	call	"cb_keypress_draw_backspace_switch" \
		(galaxy_x, galaxy_y, galaxy_z, 0)

	; Switch from planet to star view
	call	"cb_keypress_draw_backspace_switch" \
		(star_x, star_y, star_z, 1)

function cb_keypress_draw_enter_switch (_switch) {
	mov	xpos (0)
	mov	ypos (0)
	mov	xpre (0)
	mov	ypre (0)
	mov	zoom (zoom_min)
	mov	view (_switch)

	widget_update_label (hnd_win_main, "help", \
		hlp_txt, NULL, fnt, 0, 0, 0, hlp_clr)

	widget_refresh (hnd_win_main)

function cb_keypress_draw_backspace_switch (_switch_x, _switch_y, _switch_z, _switch) {
	mov	xpos (_switch_x)
	mov	ypos (_switch_y)
	mov	zoom (_switch_z)
	mov	view (_switch)

	widget_update_label (hnd_win_main, "help", \
		hlp_txt, NULL, fnt, 0, 0, 0, hlp_clr)

	widget_refresh (hnd_win_main)

_WINCB_KEY_ callback cb_keyrelease_draw (_hnd, x, y, _x_root, _y_root, _state, _keycode, _key) {

_WINCB_BUTTON_ callback cb_buttonpress_draw (_hnd, x, y, _x_root, _y_root, _state, _button) {
	cmp	_button (1)
	je	"cb_buttonpress_draw_zoom_in"
	cmp	_button (5)
	je	"cb_buttonpress_draw_zoom_in"
	cmp	_button (3)
	je	"cb_buttonpress_draw_zoom_out"
	cmp	_button (4)
	je	"cb_buttonpress_draw_zoom_out"

	; Clear previous pointer position for motion event
	mov	xpre (0)
	mov	ypre (0)


	; Zoom view inwards
	cmp	zoom (zoom_max)
	jae	"cb_buttonpress_draw_zoom_in_end"

	mov	_i (zoom_max)
	sub	_i (zoom)
	div	_i (zoom_slc)
	add	zoom (_i)


	; Zoom view outwards
	cmp	zoom (zoom_min)
	jbe	"cb_buttonpress_draw_zoom_out_end"

	mov	_o (zoom_max)
	sub	_o (zoom)
	div	_o (zoom_slc)
	sub	zoom (_o)


_WINCB_BUTTON_ callback cb_buttonrelease_draw (_hnd, x, y, _x_root, _y_root, _state, _button) {

_WINCB_MOTION_ callback cb_motion_draw (_hnd, x, y, _x_root, _y_root, _state, _detail) {
	; 256 = Button1Mask, 1 << 8
	; There may be other bits in _state, for example numlock, and if so, 256 is not true,
	; so view wont move if numlock is on.
	cmp	_state (256)
	jne	"cb_motion_draw_view"

	; Button 1 pressed with mouse motion, move view
	cmp	xpre (0)
	jne	"cb_motion_draw_a"

	mov	xpre (x)

	cmp	ypre (0)
	jne	"cb_motion_draw_b"

	mov	ypre (y)

	mov	_x (x)
	mov	_y (y)
	sub	_x (xpre)
	sub	_y (ypre)
	mul	_x (1.5)
	mul	_y (1.5)
	add	xpos (_x)
	add	ypos (_y)
	mov	xpre (x)
	mov	ypre (y)


	; Select object closest to mouse pointer
	cmp	view (0)
	je	"cb_motion_draw_view_galaxy"
	cmp	view (1)
	je	"cb_motion_draw_view_star"
	cmp	view (2)
	je	"cb_motion_draw_view_planet"


	; Get the closest star
	galaxy_live_closest (galaxy, x, y)

	cmp	rc (0)
	je	"cb_motion_draw_view_galaxy_end"

	mov	star (rc)
	dec	star

	; Get the closest star name and render it
	star_get_name (galaxy, star)
	mov	_name (rc)

	font_render (hnd_fnt_selection, \
		"UTF-8", _name, [uint] 0, fnt_clr)


	; Get the closest planet
	star_live_closest (galaxy, star, x, y)

	cmp	rc (0)
	je	"cb_motion_draw_view_star_end"

	mov	planet (rc)
	dec	planet

	; Get the closest planet name and render it
	planet_get_name (galaxy, star, planet)
	mov	_name (rc)

	font_render (hnd_fnt_selection, \
		"UTF-8", _name, [uint] 0, fnt_clr)


	; Get the closest moon
	planet_live_closest (galaxy, star, planet, x, y)

	cmp	rc (0)
	je	"cb_motion_draw_view_planet_end"

	mov	moon (rc)
	dec	moon

	; Get the closest moon name and render it
	satellite_get_name (galaxy, star, planet, moon)
	mov	_name (rc)

	font_render (hnd_fnt_selection, \
		"UTF-8", _name, [uint] 0, fnt_clr)


_WINCB_OPEN_ callback cb_open_draw (_hnd) {
	mov	hnd_win_view (_hnd)

	; Map drawing window

; Preview window callbacks

_WINCB_OPEN_ callback cb_open_preview (_hnd) {
	mov	hnd_win_preview (_hnd)

	cmp	view (1)
	jne	"cb_open_preview_planet"

	star_render (hnd_win_preview, \
		galaxy, star)

	jmp	"cb_open_preview_end"

	cmp	view (2)
	jne	"cb_open_preview_end"

	planet_render (hnd_win_preview, \
		galaxy, star, planet)

;	jmp	"cb_open_preview_end"

	; Map preview window

_WINCB_DESTROY_ callback cb_destroy_preview (_hnd) {
	mov	hnd_win_preview (INVALID)


; Widget callbacks

_WIDGETCB_PUSH_ callback cb_push_renderobject (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	cmp	view (0)
	je	"cb_push_renderobject_galaxy"
	cmp	view (1)
	je	"cb_push_renderobject_star"
	cmp	view (2)
	je	"cb_push_renderobject_planet"


	universe_set_message \
		("Rendering galaxy is not supported")

	; Open preview window for star
	call	"cb_push_renderobject_open" \
		("Vesmir star preview")

	; Open preview window for planet
	call	"cb_push_renderobject_open" \
		("Vesmir planet preview")

function cb_push_renderobject_open (_title) {
	cmp	hnd_win_preview (INVALID)
	je	"cb_push_renderobject_ok"

	window_close (hnd_win_preview)

	window_open (_title, NULL, \
		[uint] 2, [uint] 0, \
		POS_CENTERED, POS_CENTERED, [uint] 256, [uint] 256, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		"cb_destroy_preview", \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \
		NULL, \

_WIDGETCB_PUSH_ callback cb_push_printobject (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	cmp	view (0)
	je	"cb_push_printobject_galaxy"
	cmp	view (1)
	je	"cb_push_printobject_star"
	cmp	view (2)
	je	"cb_push_printobject_planet"


	; Print galaxy details
	galaxy_print (galaxy)


	; Print star details
	star_print (galaxy, star)


	; Print planet details
	planet_print (galaxy, star, planet)

_WIDGETCB_PUSH_ callback cb_push_saveobject (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	cmp	view (0)
	je	"cb_push_saveobject_galaxy"
	cmp	view (1)
	je	"cb_push_saveobject_star"
	cmp	view (2)
	je	"cb_push_saveobject_planet"


	universe_set_message ("Saving galaxy is not supported")


	; Save star image
	star_store (galaxy, star, img_dir)


	; Save planet image
	planet_store (galaxy, star, planet, img_dir)

_WIDGETCB_PUSH_ callback cb_push_viewreset (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	; Reset the view
	mov	xpos (0)
	mov	ypos (0)
	mov	zoom (zoom_min)

_WIDGETCB_PUSH_ callback cb_push_timereset (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	; Reset the clock
	clock_set_multiplier (1)

	widget_step_set (hnd_win_main, "time_warp", [uint] 1)

_WIDGETCB_TURN_ callback cb_turn_timewarp (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	; Speed up the universe
	mov	_mul (((_step * _step) * _step) * _step)

	clock_set_multiplier (_mul)

; Menu item callbacks

_MENUCB_ITEM_ callback cb_file_exit (_item, _position, _tag, _flag) {

_MENUCB_ITEM_ callback cb_object_render (_item, _position, _tag, _flag) {
	print "Not implemented, use widgets instead.\n"

_MENUCB_ITEM_ callback cb_object_print (_item, _position, _tag, _flag) {
	print "Not implemented, use widgets instead.\n"

_MENUCB_ITEM_ callback cb_object_save (_item, _position, _tag, _flag) {
	print "Not implemented, use widgets instead.\n"

_MENUCB_ITEM_ callback cb_time_reset (_item, _position, _tag, _flag) {
	print "Not implemented, use widgets instead.\n"

_MENUCB_ITEM_ callback cb_time_set (_item, _position, _tag, _flag) {
	print "Not implemented, use widgets instead.\n"
; Copyright (c) 2016-2025, Jani Salonen <>
; All rights reserved.

window "1" {
	set "0" {
		widget "background" {
			name		"background"
			state		enable

			image		"examples/datafiles/background.tga"

		widget "label" {
			name		"help"
			state		enable

			position	x = 20, y = 580

			label		"LMB + mouse to move view, wheel to zoom, enter to select, backspace to previous view", \
					charset = UTF-8, size = 8, \
					color = rgb:#ffffff, \
					justification = left

		widget "pushbutton_2"
			name		"render_object"
			state		enable
			type		3

			position	x = 40, y = 100

			title		"Render object", \
					charset = UTF-8, size = 10, \
					color = rgb:#ffffff, \
					justification = center, \
					position = above, x = 0, y = -10

			sticky		no

			action		push = cb_push_renderobject

		widget "pushbutton_2" {
			name		"print_object"
			state		enable
			type		3

			position	x = 160, y = 100

			title		"Print object", \
					charset = UTF-8, size = 10, \
					color = rgb:#ffffff, \
					justification = center, \
					position = above, x = 0, y = -10

			sticky		no

			action		push = cb_push_printobject

		widget "pushbutton_2" {
			name		"save_object"
			state		enable
			type		3

			position	x = 280, y = 100

			title		"Save object", \
					charset = UTF-8, size = 10, \
					color = rgb:#ffffff, \
					justification = center, \
					position = above, x = 0, y = -10

			sticky		no

			action		push = cb_push_saveobject

		widget "pushbutton_2" {
			name		"view_reset"
			state		enable
			type		1

			position	x = 440, y = 100

			title		"View reset", \
					charset = UTF-8, size = 10, \
					color = rgb:#ffffff, \
					justification = center, \
					position = above, x = 0, y = -10

			sticky		no

			action		push = cb_push_viewreset

		widget "pushbutton_2" {
			name		"time_reset"
			state		enable
			type		1

			position	x = 560, y = 100

			title		"Time reset", \
					charset = UTF-8, size = 10, \
					color = rgb:#ffffff, \
					justification = center, \
					position = above, x = 0, y = -10

			sticky		no

			action		push = cb_push_timereset

		widget "turnswitch" {
			name		"time_warp"
			state		enable
			type		5

			position	x = 690, y = 65

			angle		min = 25, max = 335
			steps		start = 1, total = 1000

			title		"Time warp", \
					charset = UTF-8, size = 10, \
					color = rgb:#ffffff, \
					justification = center, \
					position = below, x = 0, y = 32

			trigger		constant

			action		turn = cb_turn_timewarp
; Copyright (c) 2016-2025, Jani Salonen <>
; All rights reserved.

; Menu is attached to window where WIDGET_STACK_ID is set to 1.
; container_type "container_id" {
window "1" {
	; menu "menu_name" {								optional_icon
	;       ---------								-------------
	menu "File" {									examples/datafiles/vesmir_menu_1.tga
		; type "title",		id,	key,	callback,		flags,	optional_icon
		; ----  -----		--	---	--------		-----	-------------
		item "Exit",		1,	none,	cb_file_exit,		none,	none

	menu "Object" {
		item "Render",		10,	none,	cb_object_render,	none,	none
		item "Print",		11,	none,	cb_object_print,	none,	none
		item "Save",		12,	none,	cb_object_save,		none,	none

	menu "Time" {
		item "Reset",		20,	none,	cb_time_reset,		none,	none


		radio "Increase 10%",	30,	none,	cb_time_set,		none,	none
		radio "Increase 20%",	30,	none,	cb_time_set,		none,	none
		radio "Increase 30%",	30,	none,	cb_time_set,		none,	none
		radio "Increase 40%",	30,	none,	cb_time_set,		none,	none
		radio "Increase 50%",	30,	none,	cb_time_set,		none,	none
		radio "Increase 60%",	30,	none,	cb_time_set,		none,	none
		radio "Increase 70%",	30,	none,	cb_time_set,		none,	none
		radio "Increase 80%",	30,	none,	cb_time_set,		none,	none
		radio "Increase 90%",	30,	none,	cb_time_set,		none,	none
		radio "Increase 100%",	30,	none,	cb_time_set,		none,	none


Click to enlarge.

Galaxy view and thousands of stars
Class K star with info printed
Ordinary neutron star
Terrestrial planet
Planet with cloudy atmosphere
Gas planet with some info printed

Copyright © 2025, Jani Salonen <salojan at goto10 piste co>. Piste is finnish word and means dot. All rights reserved.