
Widgets is an obsolete application just for demonstrating how to use different type of widgets and getting touch with them. Written in plain Ano script, no C involved.

User interface

There is dummy widgets to play with.


Easiest way to get Widgets running is to go to examples directory in package root, and run:

$ ./build.sh gui_widgets

build.sh script compiles Ano script, menu and widget definitions to C, copies source files in place and pops up instructions what to do next. Follow them. Check also examples/README for more info.


; This is dummy application to demonstrate widget outlook.
; @ANO_SCRIPT_NAME		gui_widgets
; Copyright (c) 2016-2025, Jani Salonen <salojan@goto10.co>
; All rights reserved.

main {
	; Global uninitialized variables
	var	[handle] hnd_wnd_main

	; Initialize windowing system...
	gui_enabled {

		; ...and open main window
		window_open (\
			title_name:		"Widgets", \
			title_charset:		NULL, \
			parent_handle:		NOPARENT, \
			widget_stack_id:	1, \
			widget_set:		0, \
			window_refresh_divider:	PASSIVE_REFRESH, \
			position_x:		POS_CENTERED, \
			position_y:		POS_CENTERED, \
			size_width:		800, \
			size_height:		900, \
			cb_main_loop:		NULL, \
			cb_expose:		NULL, \
			cb_key_press:		NULL, \
			cb_key_release:		NULL, \
			cb_button_press:	NULL, \
			cb_button_release:	NULL, \
			cb_client_message:	NULL, \
			cb_save_yourself:	NULL, \
			cb_configure_notify:	NULL, \
			cb_destroy_notify:	"cb_destroy", \
			cb_motion_notify:	NULL, \
			cb_map_notify:		NULL, \
			cb_unmap_notify:	NULL, \
			cb_open_notify:		"cb_open")

_WINCB_OPEN_ callback cb_open (_hnd) {
	mov	hnd_wnd_main (_hnd)
	mov	color (# 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00)

	; Create scales and indicators
	widget_update_scale_bars (hnd_wnd_main, \
		"widget_a", NULL, NULL, 7, 0, 0, 100, 11, color)

	widget_indicator_set (hnd_wnd_main, \
		"widget_a", NULL, NULL, 7, 0, color, INDICATOR_ALWAYS, 20, \
		0, 0, 0, 0, NULL)

	widget_indicator_set (hnd_wnd_main, \
		"widget_b", NULL, NULL, 7, 0, color, INDICATOR_ALWAYS, 20, \
		0, 0, 0, 0, NULL)

	widget_indicator_set (hnd_wnd_main, \
		"widget_c", NULL, NULL, 7, 0, color, INDICATOR_ALWAYS, 20, \
		0, 0, 0, 0, NULL)

	widget_indicator_set (hnd_wnd_main, \
		"widget_d", NULL, NULL, 7, 0, color, INDICATOR_ALWAYS, 20, \
		0, 0, 0, 0, NULL)

	widget_indicator_set (hnd_wnd_main, \
		"widget_e", NULL, NULL, 7, 0, color, INDICATOR_ALWAYS, 20, \
		0, 0, 0, 0, NULL)

	widget_indicator_set (hnd_wnd_main, \
		"widget_f", NULL, NULL, 7, 0, color, INDICATOR_ALWAYS, 20, \
		0, 0, 0, 0, NULL)

	widget_update_scale_bars (hnd_wnd_main, \
		"slider_a", NULL, NULL, 7, 0, 0, 10, 11, color)

	widget_update_scale_bars (hnd_wnd_main, \
		"slider_b", NULL, NULL, 7, 0, 0, 20, 5, color)

	; Map main window

_WINCB_DESTROY_ callback cb_destroy (_hnd) {


_WIDGETCB_TURN_ callback cb_turn_a (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	dump	_widget_name
	dump	_step

_WIDGETCB_TURN_ callback cb_turn_b (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	dump	_widget_name
	dump	_step

_WIDGETCB_TURN_ callback cb_turn_c (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	dump	_widget_name
	dump	_step

_WIDGETCB_TURN_ callback cb_turn_d (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	dump	_widget_name
	dump	_step

_WIDGETCB_TURN_ callback cb_turn_e (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	dump	_widget_name
	dump	_step

_WIDGETCB_TURN_ callback cb_turn_f (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	dump	_widget_name
	dump	_step

	; Widget even step turns light on, odd step turns it off
	mov	_s (_step % 2)

	; Which lights to set is based on widget step
	cmp	_step (1)
	ja	"cb_turn_f_a"
	mov	_a ("lamp_a")
	mov	_b ("led_a_a")
	mov	_c ("led_b_a")
	mov	_d ("led_c_a")
	jmp	"cb_turn_f_x"

	cmp	_step (3)
	ja	"cb_turn_f_b"
	mov	_a ("lamp_b")
	mov	_b ("led_a_b")
	mov	_c ("led_b_b")
	mov	_d ("led_c_b")
	jmp	"cb_turn_f_x"

	cmp	_step (5)
	ja	"cb_turn_f_c"
	mov	_a ("lamp_c")
	mov	_b ("led_a_c")
	mov	_c ("led_b_c")
	mov	_d ("led_c_c")
	jmp	"cb_turn_f_x"

	cmp	_step (7)
	ja	"cb_turn_f_d"
	mov	_a ("lamp_d")
	mov	_b ("led_a_d")
	mov	_c ("led_b_d")
	mov	_d ("led_c_d")
	jmp	"cb_turn_f_x"

	cmp	_step (9)
	ja	"cb_turn_f_e"
	mov	_a ("lamp_e")
	mov	_b ("led_a_e")
	mov	_c ("led_b_e")
	mov	_d ("led_c_e")
	jmp	"cb_turn_f_x"

	mov	_a ("lamp_f")
	mov	_b ("led_a_f")
	mov	_c ("led_b_f")
	mov	_d ("led_c_f")

	widget_step_set (hnd_wnd_main, _a, _s)
	widget_step_set (hnd_wnd_main, _b, _s)
	widget_step_set (hnd_wnd_main, _c, _s)
	widget_step_set (hnd_wnd_main, _d, _s)
;	widget_refresh (hnd_wnd_main)

_WIDGETCB_PUSH_ callback cb_push_a (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	dump	_widget_name
	dump	_step

_WIDGETCB_PUSH_ callback cb_push_b (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	dump	_widget_name
	dump	_step

_WIDGETCB_PUSH_ callback cb_push_c (_widget_name, _widget_id, _min, _max, _steps, _step) {
	dump	_widget_name
	dump	_step

	widget_step_set (hnd_wnd_main, "led_button_c", _step)
;	widget_refresh (hnd_wnd_main)
; Copyright (c) 2016-2025, Jani Salonen <salojan@goto10.co>
; All rights reserved.
; @WIDGET_DEFAULT_COLOR			rgb:#ffffff
;  WIDGET_DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT		path_to_the_font_file

window "1" {
	set "0" {
		widget "background" {
			name		"background"

			image		"examples/datafiles/background.tga"

		; Turnswitch type 0
		widget "turnswitch" {
			name		"widget_a"

			position	x = 80, y = 100

			angle		min = 45, max = 315
			steps		start = 0, total = 100

			title		"Large chicken head", \
					x = 0, y = -50

			action		turn = cb_turn_a

		; Turnswitch type 1
		widget "turnswitch" {
			name		"widget_b"
			type		1

			position	x = 280, y = 108

			angle		min = 45, max = 315
			steps		start = 0, total = 100

			title		"Small chicken head", \
					x = 0, y = -20

			action		turn = cb_turn_b

		; Turnswitch type 2
		widget "turnswitch" {
			name		"widget_c"
			type		2

			position	x = 88, y = 310

			angle		min = 1, max = 359
			steps		start = 0, total = 359

			title		"Large round", \
					x = 0, y = -20

			action		turn = cb_turn_c

		; Turnswitch type 3
		widget "turnswitch" {
			name		"widget_d"
			type		3

			position	x = 296, y = 318

			angle		min = 1, max = 359
			steps		start = 0, total = 359

			title		"Small round", \
					x = 0, y = -20

			action		turn = cb_turn_d

		; Turnswitch type 4
		widget "turnswitch" {
			name		"widget_e"
			type		4

			position	x = 96, y = 500

			angle		min = 5, max = 355
			steps		start = 0, total = 9

			title		"Large flat-top", \
					x = 0, y = -20

			action		turn = cb_turn_e

		; Turnswitch type 5
		widget "turnswitch" {
			name		"widget_f"
			type		5

			position	x = 304, y = 508

			angle		min = 5, max = 355
			steps		start = 0, total = 11

			title		"Lights, please!", \
					x = 0, y = -20

			action		turn = cb_turn_f

		; Lamp type 0
		widget "lamp" {
			name		"lamp_a"

			position	x = 440, y = 80

			title		"Red lamp", \
					x = 0, y = -10

		; Lamp type 1
		widget "lamp" {
			name		"lamp_b"
			type		1

			position	x = 558, y = 80

			title		"Orange", \
					x = 0, y = -10

		; Lamp type 2
		widget "lamp" {
			name		"lamp_c"
			type		2

			position	x = 676, y = 80

			title		"White", \
					x = 0, y = -10

		; Lamp type 3
		widget "lamp" {
			name		"lamp_d"
			type		3

			position	x = 440, y = 240

			title		"Green", \
					x = 0, y = -10

		; Lamp type 4
		widget "lamp" {
			name		"lamp_e"
			type		4

			position	x = 558, y = 240

			title		"Blue", \
					x = 0, y = -10

		; Lamp type 5
		widget "lamp" {
			name		"lamp_f"
			type		5

			position	x = 676, y = 240

			title		"Purple", \
					x = 0, y = -10

		; Led type 1, subtype 0
		widget "led_1" {
			name		"led_a_a"

			position	x = 460, y = 400

		; Led type 1, subtype 1
		widget "led_1" {
			name		"led_a_b"
			type		1

			position	x = 460, y = 432

		; Led type 1, subtype 2
		widget "led_1" {
			name		"led_a_c"
			type		2

			position	x = 460, y = 464

		; Led type 1, subtype 3
		widget "led_1" {
			name		"led_a_d"
			type		3

			position	x = 460, y = 496

		; Led type 1, subtype 4
		widget "led_1" {
			name		"led_a_e"
			type		4

			position	x = 460, y = 528

		; Led type 1, subtype 5
		widget "led_1" {
			name		"led_a_f"
			type		5

			position	x = 460, y = 560

		; Led type 2, subtype 0
		widget "led_2" {
			name		"led_b_a"

			position	x = 584, y = 400

		; Led type 2, subtype 1
		widget "led_2" {
			name		"led_b_b"
			type		1

			position	x = 584, y = 432

		; Led type 2, subtype 2
		widget "led_2" {
			name		"led_b_c"
			type		2

			position	x = 584, y = 464

		; Led type 2, subtype 3
		widget "led_2" {
			name		"led_b_d"
			type		3

			position	x = 584, y = 496

		; Led type 2, subtype 4
		widget "led_2" {
			name		"led_b_e"
			type		4

			position	x = 584, y = 528

		; Led type 2, subtype 5
		widget "led_2" {
			name		"led_b_f"
			type		5

			position	x = 584, y = 560

		; Led type 3, subtype 0
		widget "led_3" {
			name		"led_c_a"

			position	x = 716, y = 396

		; Led type 3, subtype 1
		widget "led_3" {
			name		"led_c_b"
			type		1

			position	x = 716, y = 428

		; Led type 3, subtype 2
		widget "led_3" {
			name		"led_c_c"
			type		2

			position	x = 716, y = 460

		; Led type 3, subtype 3
		widget "led_3" {
			name		"led_c_d"
			type		3

			position	x = 716, y = 492

		; Led type 3, subtype 4
		widget "led_3" {
			name		"led_c_e"
			type		4

			position	x = 716, y = 524

		; Led type 3, subtype 5
		widget "led_3" {
			name		"led_c_f"
			type		5

			position	x = 716, y = 556

		; Pushbutton type 1, subtype 0
		widget "pushbutton_1" {
			name		"button_a"

			position	x = 514, y = 420

			title		"Red button", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -10

			action		push = cb_push_a

		; Pushbutton type 2, subtype 1
		widget "pushbutton_2" {
			name		"button_b"
			type		1

			position	x = 510, y = 480

			title		"Yellow", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -10

			action		push = cb_push_b

		; Pushbutton type 3, subtype 2
		widget "pushbutton_3" {
			name		"button_c"
			type		2

			position	x = 510, y = 548

			title		"Sticky", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -10

			sticky		yes

			action		push = cb_push_c

		; Led for sticky button
		widget "led_1" {
			name		"led_button_c"
			type		3

			position	x = 654, y = 548

			title		"Sticky?", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -10

		; Pushbutton type 1, subtype 3
		widget "pushbutton_1" {
			name		"button_d"
			type		3

			position	x = 646, y = 400

			action		push = cb_push_a

		; Pushbutton type 1, subtype 4
		widget "pushbutton_1" {
			name		"button_e"
			type		4

			position	x = 646, y = 430

			action		push = cb_push_a

		; Pushbutton type 1, subtype 5
		widget "pushbutton_1" {
			name		"button_f"
			type		5

			position	x = 646, y = 460

			action		push = cb_push_a

		; Sliders
		widget "slideswitch" {
			name		"slider_a"
			type		1

			position	x = 70, y = 680

			slide		length = 100, start = 0, total = 100

			title		"Channel A", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -10

			trigger		release

			action		slide = cb_turn_a

		widget "slideswitch" {
			name		"slider_b"
			type		1

			position	x = 170, y = 680

			slide		length = 100, start = 0, total = 100

			title		"Channel B", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -10

			trigger		release

			action		slide = cb_turn_a

		widget "slideswitch" {
			name		"slider_c"
			type		3

			position	x = 280, y = 704

			slide		length = 100, start = 0, total = 100

			title		"Channel C", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -34

			trigger		release

			action		slide = cb_turn_a

		widget "slideswitch" {
			name		"slider_d"
			type		3

			position	x = 360, y = 704

			slide		length = 100, start = 0, total = 100

			title		"Channel D", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -34

			trigger		release

			action		slide = cb_turn_a

		widget "slideswitch" {
			name		"slider_e"
			type		5

			position	x = 470, y = 680

			slide		length = 100, start = 0, total = 100

			title		"Channel E", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -10

			trigger		release

			action		slide = cb_turn_a

		widget "slideswitch" {
			name		"slider_f"
			type		5

			position	x = 550, y = 680

			slide		length = 100, start = 0, total = 100

			title		"Channel F", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -10

			trigger		release

			action		slide = cb_turn_a

		widget "slideswitch" {
			name		"slider_g"
			type		0

			position	x = 650, y = 680

			slide		length = 50, start = 0, total = 100

			title		"More sliders", \
					size = 10, x = 0, y = -10

			trigger		release

			action		slide = cb_turn_a

		widget "slideswitch" {
			name		"slider_h"
			type		0

			position	x = 650, y = 740

			slide		length = 50, start = 0, total = 100

			trigger		release

			action		slide = cb_turn_a


Click to enlarge.

Lights off
Lights on

Copyright © 2025, Jani Salonen <salojan at goto10 piste co>. Piste is finnish word and means dot. All rights reserved.